What Does Invisible Queue Mean?

What Does Invisible Queue Mean

The invisible queue is a useful way to shorten wait times for customers. This type of queue provides the customers with a more satisfied experience when they have to wait to interact with an agent of the company. So, what exactly does an invisible queue mean?

Simply put, call centers or other businesses can not keep hundreds of agents interacting with each customer. For this, they use a feature called invisible queue that allows the customers to hold on until it’s their time. 

In this article, we will discuss the overall call queuing process including both visible and invisible queues. We will share how the queues work and how they affect businesses. Let’s get to know the topic from a closer perspective.

Invisible Queue Meaning

The term “invisible queue” means a line of people or things waiting, but you can’t see it. It’s not a real line you stand in instead, it’s a hidden order of who goes next. This could be for tasks waiting to be done, like in a computer program, or for customers waiting for help.

It’s like when you call customer service and wait your turn without physically seeing others waiting too. So, an invisible queue is a way to manage who gets served next, even if you can’t see the line.

Invisible queues actively maintain organization and fairness by ensuring that tasks or individuals are addressed in a systematic order, even when they cannot be observed waiting in a physical line. They function akin to unseen traffic controllers of everyday processes, silently overseeing who receives attention next.

What Does Invisible Queue Mean in a Call Center?


If the ‘invisible queue’ term is new to you, let’s get to know about the visible queue and its meaning first. Suppose you’re in the waiting line at the nearby grocery shop and you’re in the queue for clearing payments.

Now, when you’re in a visible queue, you can see how far you are from the counter and how many people are there in front of you. You feel happy when the front customer clears the payment as you know that you’re getting ahead.

Now, you’ve experienced being on hold while contacting a customer service center or sales, right?

Imagine a situation when you don’t know exactly how long you need to wait just to talk to an agent. Yes, that’s exactly what an invisible queue means. The customer’s experience becomes frustrating with time when it’s an invisible queue. Why? Well, because he can’t see how much he’s stepping forward since it’s invisible.

The customer’s annoyance is the last thing any company wants to experience. And, this is where the beauty of the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD). Call centers use this feature for better communication with their customers. When an agent hangs on a call, the ACD system automatically takes the agent to the next caller who’s been waiting for the longest time.

The calls are re-routed automatically to agents with the help of the queuing method. This feature helps the customers to be aware of their positions usually with an announcement or music on hold.

Some businesses serve different options in front of the customer so he can hold on with more patience. For example, they can allow you to choose the genre of hold music.

I mean, when you let your customers choose and give them flexibility, they will not feel bored with the long queue. Suppose you can choose from rock, hip-hop, elevator music, or pop. It will make sure that the customer doesn’t get bored while waiting and say ‘Goodbye you shit!’.

What Strategies Are Effective for Better Invisible Queue Management?


Software technology is becoming more innovative and excellent every day which discloses some effective strategies for better invisible queue management. Let’s explore them.

Call Back Features

Call-back features allow the customers to be free instead of being on hold when they wait for their time to come. This is one of the ways to allow the customers to feel relaxed. This way, the businesses don’t shout by saying ‘The door is closed for you!’. Instead, they make the customers feel that their time has value.

Therefore, in short, when a customer contacts a call center or customer support line, they may have the option to request a callback instead of waiting on hold. And, customers can request through various channels, including phone prompts, mobile apps, or websites.

IVR systems

The IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems are one of the most valuable tools for businesses like call centers.

The automated telephony systems enable interaction with callers through voice and keypad inputs. It means that the callers can easily find their way to a particular department or specialist and resolve simple issues without needing assistance from an agent.

So basically, IVR systems use recorded voice prompts to provide information and instructions to callers. These prompts guide callers through the menu options and help them navigate the system. The systems are incredibly helpful for queue management.

Call Recording

Call recording is an excellent feature that allows companies to overlook the capture and storage of audio conversations between customers and agents. This way, the companies can identify their areas of improvement to maintain service standards and ensure positive customer experience.

Moreover, recorded calls can be a valuable training resource for new agents. Since supervisors can use real-life examples from recorded calls, they can provide feedback and coaching to agents. This is how the companies monitor the overall quality using call recordings.

The Last Thoughts

Proper invisible queue optimization can increase overall customer satisfaction by cutting down the customers’ wasted time. Businesses such as call centers, customer service, telecommunications, healthcare, and finance can get immense benefits by using invisible queues. Overall, it provides customers with a more pleasant experience.

Afrin Mithee is a freelance writer who helps SaaS companies build an audience and get more paying clients online. Her SEO practices and digital marketing strategies help to show up businesses and reach a larger range of customers.

Afrin Mithee
Author’s Bio

Afrin Mithee is a freelance writer who helps SaaS companies build an audience and get more paying clients online. Her SEO practices and digital marketing strategies help to show up businesses and reach a larger range of customers.

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